Mobile Phlebotomy Services
in Los Angeles, Orange County & Inland Empire
Licensed & Insured
The leader in Home Blood Draws
Established 1997
Serving Southern California
Welcome to Mobile Phlebotomy Services, Inc. (MPS)
Serving Los Angeles County, Orange County, and the Inland Empire for over 21 years, Mobile Phlebotomy Services (MPS) is committed to providing the highest quality in HIPAA Compliant professional and compassionate patient care. With a combined experience of over 90 years, our state certified technician’s training, accessible communication, timely arrival, and friendly demeanor assure the best in patient care for you and your loved ones. Mobile Phlebotomy Services (MPS) excels in providing the best blood draw experience and consider it an honor to serve you..
Our mission is to be the Phlebotomy Service of Choice to all our customers by providing high quality, efficient and cost-effective service and to ensure professional care and dignity for all their patients regardless of age or physical condition.
We achieve this mission by a commitment of teamwork with our clients and a Continuous Quality Improvement process for monitoring the service we provide. We are committed to enhancing health care services and increasing customer satisfaction.